Mars Orbiter Camera Images |
These images are from the current Mars Global Surveyor's Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC), with resolutions ranging from ~2 to ~15 meters/pixel. They have been provided by Malin Space Systems in support of landing site selection for the Mars Exploration Rover (2003) missions. At the time of release, they have not been validated for delivery to the NASA Planetary Data System (PDS).
Accompanying each MOC image are "context images" showing the MOC image in the context of an associated MOC wide-angle image. Also available are full-resolution versions of the MOC image in JPEG (processed) and TIFF (unprocessed) formats. Full-resolution subsections of each image are also available.
Online Image Processing
Online image processing is available for the image subsections (including functions for cropping, zooming, equalization, and manual level adjustment). Note that Mac OS 8/9 users will need to use either Internet Explorer (4 or greater) or Netscape 6 in order to use the image processing features. At present, there is no direct way of saving your custom-processed image to your local disk, although you may accomplish this by using your computer's screen-capture utility.