Report for the
3rd 2003 Mars Exploration Rovers
Landing Site Selection Workshop
Held in Pasadena/Arcadia, California
March 26th-28th, 2002
March 26th,
Tuesday a.m.
8:30 a.m. Welcome, Overview of the Landing Site Selection Process and Workshop Goals
John Grant and Matt Golombek (Co-Chairs, Landing Site Steering Committee)
8:50 a.m. Engineering Constraints and Factors in Selecting the MER Landing Sites
Adler, Project Landing Site Engineer
9:50 a.m. Entry and Descent Simulations and Ellipses
Phil Knocke, JPL
10:20-10:35 a.m. Coffee Break
10:35 a.m. Atmospheric Modeling and Winds
David Kass and Tim Schofield, JPL
11:05 p.m. MER Wind Mitigation Measures
R. Manning, JPL
11:25 p.m. History
of Ellipse Identification and Placement
Matt Golombek, Co-Chair Landing Site Steering Committee
11:55-1:15 p.m. Lunch
March 26th, Tuesday p.m.
Introduction (cont.)
1:15-2:00 p.m. Discussion of Introductory and Overview Material
i. Winds are big concern
ii. All sites have difficulty
iii. Need other candidate sites
iv. May be able to extend latitude band N and elevation up
v. But more time is now available for making decision. 6 months to a year deferral.
2:00 p.m. Geologic Evaluation of MER Landing Sites from THEMIS Data
Phil Christensen and Jim Rice, Arizona State University
3:00-3:15 p.m. Coffee
3:15 p.m. Landing Site Compositional Assessment Using High Resolution TES Data
Steve Ruff, Vicky Hamilton, and Phil Christensen, ASU
The discussion began
with a number of questions about the DIMES imager. The project is using simulated DIMES images, derived from
MOC images with similar lighting to DIMES, to test software being developed for
the descent camera. These images
are being processed to simulate blur due to SC motion and tilting, and scaling
differences between subsequent
DIMES images as the SC descends. Gentry Lee pointed out that DIMES may
come or go, and was added to get into the Òlow tensÓ of meters/sec winds sites. None of the remaining sites have over 20m/sec. Pete Theisinger noted that the project
and lab are committed to the top sites, and donÕt want to let a Òlate-comerÓ
ÒruinÓ mission.
There was some
discussion about wind models for the top landing sites. In Gusev Crater, wind shear may be a
problem. Mark Adler noted that
updrafts in the Hematite region and
those predicted for Gusev are of relatively minor concern.
Joy Crisp noted that
wind modeling has not yet been run for the Isidis site. Dave Cass suggested that we should
expect diurnal slope winds from the Isidis rim to the south. Mass flowing downslope may be large
enough to still be blowing even at 3pm at the landing site.
John Grant asked how
much weight applies to model validity for determining suitability of site? The answer is that the project doesnÕt
trust the models to better than a factor of 2, but the models could be used to
discriminate between sites by the NASA HQ review board. Joy Crisp added that 2 independent
models were used at each site, giving similar results except for the timing of
maximum winds at the Melas site.
Larry Crumpler shared GrantÕs uneasiness about wind models by pointing
to their inherent unpredictability, noting that although they can predict
general weather trends, they may not be particularly good at predicting
specific daily weather at a site.
Mike Carr expressed
misgivings that safety concerns in general might make Òfollowing the waterÓ
difficult, even impossible for MER, thus losing the main theme of the
mission. Horton Newsom asked
whether the airbag-enclosed lander might have problems related to rolling down
slopes with the wind? Mark Adler
replied that there is no correlation between wind direction (aloft) and the
roll direction (the roughness of the site determines which way first bounce
deflects the lander, after which subsequent bounces are similarly affected by
the local roughness elements).
Next topic of
discussion was the distribution of thermal inertia within a landing site? (Dave DeMarais). Matt Golombek noted that we donÕt know
the thermal inertia at the exact center of the Hematite site, for example.
Eventually, the THEMIS temperature map can be used to replace or at
least supplement the TES-based thermal inertia map. There was considerable discussion about finding warm lees
behind obstacles to protect the rovers during the night at sites where the
thermal inertia predicts cold temperatures. However, there are no temperature sensors on the rovers, so
these decisions (where to park the rovers for the night) would need to be based
on models.
With the new elevation limite of 0 km, sites like Eastern Meridiani (Phil Christensen and Jim Rice) become viable. Phil noted that there are varied albedo surfaces in that area, which also contains the Hematite signature from TES. The chief problem with this site, is that selecting it AND the western Hematite site places the two rovers too close together such that they compete for DSN time.
Geologic Evaluation of MER landing sites form THEMIS data: Phil Crhistensen and Jim Rice:
Phil presented THEMIS images taken with last 10 days of the 6 top landing sites. Lots of information, not much time to think about what it means! There are no showstoppers in the data as yet.
THEMIS stats:
9band IR imager Ð 6.5 to 15 microns
5band visible - .43=0.85 microns
100m spatial in IR
18m spatial in VIS
Global coverage in IR and 1 band VIS should be achieved during primary mission.
images will be one-band EMP or VIS data.
One or 2 color images had been processed for landing sites for
presentation. Team still working
on stray light issue in IR camera, so making ratio images and PCA are difficult
at this point.
images can look like VIS images if they are daytime images, due to heating
effects during the day. Crater
ejecta tends to be dark, because it stays cooler during the day (higher
inertia). A fresh young crater,
shown, has a prominent dark halo due to rocks at the surface. Surface differences in brightness show
textures that donÕt show as obvious in visible MDIM images. During the night, rocks stay warm, and
so the plateau around Valles Marineris is dark, whereas the floor is bright,
indicating a rocky floor or indurated fill materials. THEMIS can distinguish sand from indurated/rocky surfaces. Also at night, craters show bright
inner walls, where they are likely rockiest. Crater floors are cold. And the outer side of crater rims are
darker than the wall inside the rim.
Ejecta margins of fluidized craters are bright and probably suggest a
rocky terminus, like a debris flow.
daytime IR, mantled areas appear really bland. Topography, then, provides the only variation in these
surfaces. THEMIS daytime IR images
of mantled surfaces Òlook like a plaster model.Ó ÒMultiple skin depthsÓ are needed to bury rocks, implying
1-2 meters of dust at least in these areas. Low thermal inertia areas in MGS TES data are showing this
kind of THEMIS image result. The
previous inference that bright areas on Mars are dusty is borne out by MOC
images of thick drapes and THEMIS IR images being bland.
nighttime IR, dunes around craters with ÒtailsÓ are interesting. Warm stuff (bright tails) is coarser
than sand. So crater tails in this
example are rock surfaces without dunes. At Nili patera, dunes are bright
against a bedrock background.
Phil showed some VIS data samples of Au Qakuh Vallis, Nirgal Vallis, Ganges Chasma interior layered deposits, and White Rock. With a resolution of 18m/p, and a local time of 3:30pm, these images promise to be excellent for landing site mapping and MOC context imaging.
Preliminary THEMIS imaging of the landing sites:
*Eos Chasma (daytime image): Relatively rocky, with crater ejecta thatÕs cooler, thus rockier. Color image: (North of Eos) The plateau is pink, floor is blue and green.
*Athabasca: (night time image): Platy flow is relatively warm, plates are cool, channel is cool. (Daytime image): platy flow is slightly brighter than surrounding plains, so warmer and dustier. VIS image data: bland. Thermal data suggests that variations will show that rocks are near surface, so MER will see rocks. Nighttime IR shows channel margins are rocky, Cerberus Rupes is cool.
*Isidis: (daytime IR of southern rim/basin floor): high inertia plains, pretty uniform. Fresh crater ejecta everywhere, looks pretty dust-free. Some evidence of thin dust, not obscuring. (Nighttime image): Crater ejecta bright, floors bright to dark, ridges are dark. Rim mountains are dark (cool), intermountain plains are bright (indurated?).
*Melas: (Daytime IR): Interior Deposits are dark (rocky or indurated). Landslide is brighter than the interior deposits. (Nighttimeimage): interior deposits are bright (cool), and landslide is almost as bright. Interior Deposits are brighter than wallrock to south.
*Meridianni (Hematite, mostly): (nighttime IR): Variability in highlands, hematite is surprisingly variable. NOT a parking lot. Thermophysical structure present. West of landing site, almost to merid highlands: THEMIS IR is very variable. (Daytime IR): Out of ellipse to east, Hematite is bright, warm, low inertia. Very sharp northern contact. (Themis VIS image of ellipse): Appears similar to MOC images with more context around it. (Daytime IR within ellipse): Hematite is relatively bright (low thermal inertia). (Color image): Hematite is greenish mostly. Crater floors and some surrounds are magenta.
*Gusev: (Daytime IR): Very patchy in center of ellipse. Themis VIS of region shows dust devil tracks very well. Etched surfaces are dark/cool during day. Cooler and rockier than cratered plains unit surrounding, but cratered plains unit is very hot when dust devils clean it off.
Landing site compositional assessment using high resolution tes data : Steve Ruff, V. Hamilton, and P. Christensen:
Composition at landing sites from TES?
*Mineral mapping: 32 mineral end members, with atmospheric end members (dust and clouds). H20 and C02 gas.
*Melas: 3 different albedo units.
1) Darkest unit = sand sheet/large dunes. Spectra: plagioclase-30%, pyroxene 25%, calcite 10%, Fe smectite 10%, SiK glass 10%, other 15%, (not much importance in 10% or less abundance values). Basaltic sand sheet.
2) Intermediate albedo unit = ripple dunes (eolian bedforms). Syrtis character, slightly brighter than sandsheet. Basaltic sand composition.
3) Bright unit = interior deposits: composition is similar to dark and intermediate surfaces, but slightly more silicic. Mounds are not some kind of carbonate or sulfate deposit, but are a more silicic material of some unknown character. Questions were asked about halite or some other evaporite contribution, but these were not detectable by TES.
*Gusev: Dark stripes of lower albedo ( equivalent to dark streaks in Viking Orbiter images). Not obscured by dust. Dust layer is mobile and thin, as it has changed a lot since Viking. Deconvolved pixels with lowest albedo. Spectra: plagioclase 30, dust 25, pyroxene 15, olivine 15, other 15. This is a significant departure from a Syrtis-type spectrum. Not andesitic.
*Eos Chasma: Dark, nor really variable in albedo. Spectra: pyroxen 30, carbonate 30, plagioclase 10, olivine 10, other 20. Intrigued by carbonate abundance of 30%, but this is unverified. Different from other dark areas on Mars.
*Athabasca: Not much albedo variation, so not much to get spectra from. All looks like surface dust.
*Isidis: Similar story as Athabasca: surface spectra characteristic of dust.
3:45 p.m. The Hematite Site
Ray Arvidson, Washington University St. Louis
4:15 p.m. Remote Sensing Properties of Exhumed Deposits in the Terra Meridiani Region of Mars
Seelos, F. P., Arvidson, R. E., Deal, K. S., Hynek, B. M. (Washington University St. Louis), Mellon, M. T. (University of Colorado), Garvin, J. B. (NASA Headquarters).
4:30 p.m. THEMIS Observations of Terra Meridiani and the Hematite Site
Phil Christensen, Arizona State University
4:45 p.m. The Melas Chasma Site
Tim Parker, JPL, and Cathy Weitz, NASA Headquarters
5:15 p.m. Analysis of the Melas Chasma Site Based on Multiple Data Sets
Shannon Pelkey, University of Colorado
5:30 p.m. End of Day One
Steve Ruff et al., Landing Site Compositional Assessment Using High Resolution TES Data.
Ray Arvidson, The Hematite Site.
Frank Seelos et al., Remote Sensing Properties of Exhumed deposits in the Terra Meridiani Region of Mars.
Tim Parker and Cathy Weitz, The Melas Chasma Site.
Phil Christensen, THEMIS Observations of Terra Meridiani and the Hematite Site.
Shannon Pelkey, analysis for the Melas Chasma Site Based on Multiple Data Sets.
March 27th,
Wednesday a.m.
Overview of A
Closer Look at the Science Potential of the Prime Sites (cont.) Talks and
8:30 a.m. Overview of Science and Testable Hypotheses at the Gusev Crater MER A Landing Site
Nathalie Cabrol, NASA Ames, E. A. Grin, D. Fike, H. Newsom, I. Thorsos, N. G. Barlow, R. De Hon, and J. Bishop
9:00 a.m. Identification of a large lake basin at the head of Ma'adim Vallis, Mars
R. P. Irwin III, T. A. Maxwell, A. D. Howard, R. A. Craddock and D. W.
Leverington, NASM Center for Earth and Planetary Studies
9:10 a.m. Impact Hydrothermal Processes at the Gusev Crater MER
A Landing Site, and the Sinus
Site. H. Newsom, UNM, C. Barber, I. Thorsos, A. Davies, N. A. Cabrol, E. A.
Grin, N. G. Barlow, R. De Hon, and J. Bishop
9:20 a.m. Gusev Crater: Assessing its Relevance as the MER-A Landing Site
N. G. Barlow (U. Central FL), N. Cabrol, E. Grin,
H. Newsom, R. DeHon
9:30 a.m. Isidis Planitia MER Targets: MOC and Themis Data, Detailed Mapping, and
Potential Athena Science, L. S. Crumpler, NMMNH, K. L. Tanaka, and T. M. Hare
10:15-10:30 a.m. Coffee
Nathalie Cabrol, NASA Ames, E. A. Grin, D. Fike, H. Newsom, I. Thorsos, N. G. Barlow, R. De Hon, and J. Bishop
CabrolÕs overview of the science rationale for Gusev Crater focused on the dissected, mesa-like, deposits that she interprets as deltaic deposits. Cabrol argued that the presence of these deposits is the best evidence for long-term fluvial activity within Gusev. MaÕadim, which flows into Gusev, is one of the largest valley systems on the planet. Any flow from MaÕadim would presumably have ponded within Gusev. Apparent multiple terracing within MaÕadim may imply episodic fluvial activity. There are several potential water sources for Gusev including direct surface runoff, groundwater outflow, hydrothermal and glacial outflows.
In the MOC data of Gusev, Cabrol has identified layers of variable thickness and albedo, and evidence for possible playas, evaporates, shorelines and lacustrine terraces within the landing ellipse. Using both MOC and MOLA data, she deduced a maximum lake depth of approximately 410 m with a depth of lasting ponding of at least 35 m. The landing site is located within the deepest point of the potential paleolake, which she feels would be the best location for evaporite deposits because water would have ponded in the deepest location for the longest period of time.
Questions: Ray Arvidson asked what observations could be made
to test that the putative delta deposits are indeed depositional in origin? John Grant: the Pancam could be used to search an exposed
face or trench excavated by rover wheels to look for low angle truncations in
stratigraphy that is deagnostic of berm deposition. Jim Rice asked what evidence there was for
glaciers in this region. He also
commented that the "delta" is approximately 500m in relief; that
would mean that you had at least 500m of water! Tim Parker commented that a rover would likely only see one
unit and would not in fact be able to go anywhere near the shorelines. Phil
Christensen asked what alternate hypotheses had been considered for the
"delta deposits" and offered the alternative hypothesis that they are
in fact loess deposits.
R. P. Irwin III, T. A. Maxwell, A. D. Howard, R. A. Craddock and D. W. Leverington
Irwin outlined the evidence for a large lake at the head of Ma'adim Valles, the valley system that flows into Gusev Crater. His criteria for the existence of a past lake are a closed basin, single or multiple inflowing valleys, a single outflowing valley traversing one or more drainage divides, interior depositional terracing, deltas or erosional benches, and interior plains deposits. He presented evidence that the putative lake at the head of MaÕadim fits this description and argued that the kilometer-relief deposits within the basin rule out a possible origin as Mare type volcanic deposits. Mesa clusters have been eroded out in place and are not areas of collapse. He estimates the volume of surface water available for direct runoff is 97,000 km3. The regional ground water table within the basin area is approximately 1,100 m with the water table declining toward the highlands/lowlands dichotomy. The group also calculated the crater densities within the source basin and Gusev crater and concluded that both date to near the Noachian/Hesperian boundary. He estimated that the volume eroded from Ma'adim Valles is approximately 14,000 km3, which is comparable to an independent estimate of the fill in Gusev crater. They concluded that multiple outflows within Ma'adim would have been required to remove sediment delivered by the tributaries.
Impact Hydrothermal Processes at
the Gusev Crater MER A Landing Site, and the Sinus Meridiani Site
H. Newsom, UNM, C. Barber,
I. Thorsos, A. Davies, N. A. Cabrol, E. A. Grin, N. G. Barlow, R. De Hon, and
J. Bishop
Newsom summarized the potential to locate hydrothermal and fluvial deposits inside Gusev and assessed the ejecta contribution of superimposed craters within the landing site ellipse. Gusev, a 158 km diameter impact crater, may have generated as much as 10,000 km3 of impact melt. An equal amount of heat is delivered by uplift of the central peak. Newsom estimated that the formation of Gusev Crater generated approximately 50 times the amount of energy that Yellowstone has put out in 15,000 years. The superimposed 21 km in diameter impact crater Thyra is contained within the landing ellipse and may have generated as much as 140 km3 of impact melt.
The landing site ellipse may contain Gusev rim material delivered by emplacement of ejecta from younger impact craters around the rim, although any such material is probably buried. Fluvial processes probably also transported Gusev rim material to within the ellipse. Newsom suggested that hydrothermal deposits may still be exposed on the rim of Thyra crater. Thyra's rim lies only 21 km from the center of the ellipse. Materials from Thyra's rim may thus have been transported down slope to the landing site.
Newsom also briefly discussed impact processes at other sites. Ejecta material may be present inside the Hematite site. The 140 km diameter impact crater H4 could have formed an impact melt as large as 7,000 km3, releasing a heat equivalent to approximately 40 times YellowstoneÕs over 15,000 years. The Hematite site may contain impact melt and possible lake deposits from H4 and transport of H4 rim material to the landing site ellipse. The Isidis landing site likewise has several smaller impact craters located on the highlands boundary adjacent to the landing site. The largest of these, the 60 km diameter crater IS1, may have produced as much as 500 km3 of impact melt which is equivalent to the heat from three Yellowstone events. He concludes that lacustrine deposits may be present in both the Gusev and the Hematite sites, while it is unlikely to be present at the Isidis site. Hydrothermal deposits are most likely in the ejecta of the H4 crater in the Hematite site, on the rim of Thyra and in fluvial deposits in Gusev and in the fluvial deposits of Isidis.
Questions: Ken Tanaka asked if any such deposits would be covered by sediments? Horton responded that that might be true, but the rim of Thyra might still preserve hydrothermal deposits.
N. G. Barlow, N. Cabrol, E. Grin, H. Newsom, R. DeHon
Barlow compared the science goals and safety constraints at Gusev with the other landing site candidates. She argued that while Gusev is not smooth, the other candidate sites aren't either. She compared the RMS surface slopes, the 1.2 km slopes, the IRTM mean rock abundance, the TES Bulk mean TI and the fine component TI and stated that Gusev met all the safety constraints. She said that Gusev and Isidis both show evidence for past water activity, but Gusev shows additional potential evidence for ponding of water. She stated that both Gusev and Terra Meridiani are probably the best sites for preservation of possible prebiotic or biotic material and that impacts could have re-exposed such materials at the surface. Potential geologic materials that may be available at Gusev include paleolake sediments, highland material and hydrothermal material from the Thyra impact crater located within Gusev.
Questions: Horton Newsom asked about the likelihood that there was an impact crater lake before ponding of water. Nadine felt that the probability was pretty good. Nathalie agreed, adding that ÒThere is impact gardening, but the layering around impacts in MOC image data is beautiful.Ó Steve Squyres asked, in relation to the issue of impacts exposing subsurface rocks versus obscuring lake deposits, ÒIs it a good thing or bad thing if subsequent impacts occur? I am interested in getting the collective wisdom on this issue.Ó
Isidis Planitia MER Targets: MOC and Themis Data, Detailed Mapping, and Potential Athena Science
L. S. Crumpler, K. L. Tanaka, and T. M. Hare
Larry summarized the science rational for going to Isidis as it is a location that we could potentially sample the oldest rocks Òfrom the bottom of the stratigraphic columnÓ. These units form sediment fans at the termini of several valley networks emanating from the highlands. This region has a long fluvial history accumulating fluvial and paleolake sediments. The sediment fans provide traps for the collection of weathered materials and for preservation of the most ancient Noachian materials from the geologic record. These fans would have provided deposition in a low energy environment as opposed to a high energy catastrophic flood environment. The site should contain both fines and rocks with re-worked sediments from previous deposition and paleolakes, highland rocks and fines, deep substrate mafic rocks, and weathered highland materials. Crumpler's interpretation of the site is that it is a long-lived fluvial system representing multiple dry and wet periods carrying sediments from early paleolakes, highland massifs, and local volcanic rocks. The fluvial system was active from earliest Martian geologic history through late Hesperian. He predicted that the surface materials would contain rocky debris mixed with fine-grained material, containing layered deposits. The mineralogy would be diverse and would likely include water-altered (weathered) materials.
10:30 a.m. Eos Chasma
David Nelson, ASU
10:50 am Detection of Martian meteorite-like (ALH84001) spectral signatures near the Eos Chasma landing site and Geomorphology of Eos Chasma, Vicky Hamilton and Jim Rice, ASU
11:10 a.m. Recent Eruption of Deep Groundwater into Athabasca Vallis
Devon Burr, Alfred McEwen, Laszlo Keszthelyi, Jennifer Grier, University of Arizona
11:25 am Estimating cm-scale Morphology of Volcanic Terrains using MOC Images and
Lower Resolution Data Sets, Laszlo Keszthelyi and Alfred McEwen, U of A
11:40 a.m. Exploration of Athabasca Vallis: Does Athena Have the Right Stuff?
Alfred McEwen, Devon Burr, Laszlo Keszthelyi, Ross Beyer, and Peter Lanagan, U of A
11:55-1:30 p.m. Lunch
p.m. Discussion of
Science Potential of the Sites
Eos Chasma (Nelson).
Outlined the case for landing in backup site Eos Chasma and included the following topics.
Overview of geology and engineering constraints. Essentially dust free, rocky(?). Low slopes over large scales and appears smooth. Chaos terrain in eastern 5% of ellipse is rough.
Science rationale. Fluvial site, evidence of terracing and multiple episodes of erosion. Late Hesperian to Early Amazonian in age. Fewer craters than Pathfinder site. Possibility of hydrothermal source for groundwater release through the area.
Things to look for on surface.
1. Surface materials including (a) fluvial deposits (b) groundwater evidence (c) windblown sediments.
2. Bedrock including (a) basement rock (b) brecciated rock
3. Cliff wall materials, debris flows, direct imaging of cliff faces
4. Evaporite deposits
5. Signs/conditions favorable for astrobiology.
Detection of Martian meteorite-like (ALH84001) spectral signatures near Eos Chasma (Hamilton and Rice).
Outlined the spectral search for ALH84001 analogs on Mars using TES data. Noted that the two basic Martian surface types are basaltic and andesitic and are not like Martian meteorites. ALH84001 is an orthopyroxenite, possibly plutonic. Search of the entire planet using TES spectra finds a single location near Eos Chasma with signature of ALH84001, independent of atmospheric conditions, time of day, and verified on multiple orbits. The carbonates associated with the meteorite are consistent with the evidence for water in this area. Possibility that this material may be visible in wall rock at Eos and detectable with Pancam/MiniTES.
Recent eruption of deep groundwater
into Athabasca Vallis (Burr et al.)
Evidence of flooding in Athabasca Vallis. Origin of floods appears to be Cerberus Fossae. Diagnosis of flood terrain (1) streamline mesas (2) longitudinal grooves/features (3) megaripples. Deep source of groundwater is inferred from lack of local subsidence. Modeling suggests source depth of a kilometer or more. Age estimates are 2-8 Ma for the last flooding event.
Estimating cm-scale morphology of volcanic terrains using MOC images (Keszthelyi and McEwen)
Outlined a method of estimating cm-scale surface roughness based on the appearance of flows in imagery. Examples shown of terrestrial ponded, pahoehoe, aÕa, and platy-ridged flows. Noted that platy-ridged flows appear to be significant in current Athabasca ellipse and recommended moving it to the East.
Exploration of Athabasca Vallis (McEwen et al)
Outlined the testable questions/hypotheses at Athabasca Vallis including:
(1) deep source of groundwater
(2) presence of fine layers of aqueous origin
(3) origin of giant ripples
(4) evidence of multiple flooding episodes
(5) potential for hydrothermal systems
Noted that this is the youngest place on Mars for large scale fluvial activity. How young is an important question to address.
Brief discussion on radar properties and noted that this area appears (visually) smoother than any other site except Sinus Meridiani, down to scales of a few meters. Radar, however, suggests cm-scale roughness to be extreme.
Cabrol: We need more time to assimilate data.
Parker: There wonÕt be much to assimilate for any new sites we choose on safety grounds.
Golombek: Hematite site is even stronger now. There are two to three definitive materials to sample and it appears to be safe.
Hamilton: Would like to see more specific hypothesis testing to help choose sites.
Parker: This is difficult given the data we have is primarily orbital and larger scale.
Golombek: Athena payload is better for rock than soil.
Morris: Why is that?
General discussion: Soils are well studied with Mossbauer, micro-imager.
Farmer: Follows up, reemphasizes HamiltonÕs comments on hypothesis testing.
Parker: Agrees, but notes weÕre also exploring and are likely to find things we werenÕt prepared for.
Squyres: Gives general overview of science rationale for Headquarters to approve; notes we must be very specific.
Christensen: Hematite has been extensively looked at in this manner; other sites less so. As an example, what if we go to Gusev and do not find (expected) evaporates? Notes we must be prepared for all scenarios like this.
Arvidson: Hypotheses should be framed so as to be testable with the Athena payload.
Nelson: Regions should have diversity.
Gilmore: Put 1-km diameter circles on MOC images to estimate diversity at any given site.
Grant: Re-iterates ArvidsonÕs comment to look at how rover package answers hypotheses.
Morris: One example is to look at whether mineral phases are water soluble.
Carr: Notes that at Isidis, Gusev, and Hematite, waterÕs roll has been depositional. Athabasca, however, is volcanic and water scoured. Argues depositional environment is more important for this mission.
Squyres: Science must be traceable to mission objectives. Best fit is a depositional environment where chemical signatures can be seen.
Christensen: Time scale is important. Deposition over days is not as interesting as deposition over years to millions of years.
Rice: At Athabasca, the subsurface residence time may be very long.
Cabrol: Disagrees Ð suggests mud may be seen but not altered minerals.
Lane: Agrees with Cabrol and reiterates the case.
General discussion: How do you determine where alteration products come from?
Gulick: There are depositional environments in Athabasca.
Squyres: Gusev is old depositional environment and has been altered. Athabasca is young and probably is probably better preserved. Asks for a discussion of benefits of youth versus age for a site.
Parker: Young surface removes confusion factor of overlapping events.
Hamilton: Wants to see TES data used to look for chemical signatures of interest, and in general suggests MGS and Odyssey be used to aid rover operations.
Golombek: The thing that makes a site interesting is how much we know before we get there.
Lane: Athabasca is compelling because of itÕs youth.
Tanaka: The simpler the site, the more likely youÕll solve the geologic question.
Dave (?): The important geologic questions are global, not local.
March 27th,
Wednesday p.m.
Considerations I: Radar and Slopes
2:30 p.m. MER Engineering Constraints: Impact Velocity, Slopes, and Rocks
Lee, JPL
3:30-3:45 p.m. Coffee
3:45 p.m. Radar Properties of the Landing Sites
Albert Haldemann, JPL
4:15 p.m. MOLA Slopes at 1.2 km Scale and Roughness at 150 m Scale for the Ellipses
M. Golombek, S. Anderson, N. Bridges, M. Kennedy, J. Garvin
4:45 p.m. MOLA 100 m Allan variation and hectometer Hurst exponent analysis of the MER landing sites, Albert Haldemann and Scott Anderson, JPL
5:15 p.m. MOLA Pulse Spread Data and Landing Site Selection
Jim Garvin, NASA Mars Exploration Program Scientist
5:45 p.m. The Roughness of the Martian Surface at Decimeter to Meter Scales: What we know.
Mike Shepard, Bloomsburg University, F. P. Seelos IV, R. E. Arvidson, A. Haldemann
6:15 p.m. End of Day Two
Wayne Lee
MER Engineering Constraints: Impact Velocity, Slopes, and Rocks
- Monte Carlo simulation of EDL with varying wind and terrain configurations
- Wind modeling limited to steady state winds and shear winds
- Terrain characterized by
o % rocks (area)
o 10 m RMS slope
o 10 m 99% slope
o 100 m scale slope
- Not generating quantitative results; providing site-to-site comparison
- Simulation based on terminal decent physics
- State of the system at bridal cut ˆ Ballistic propagation ˆ Survive (YES/NO)?
- Big problem: Ricochet effect
o Bounce N+1 > bounce N
o Results from unfortunate combination of horizontal velocity (wind induced) and slopes
- Degradation of survival rate with respect to Hematite (aggressive conditions)
Hematite |
Melas |
Gusev |
Isidis |
Baseline |
0 |
-37 |
-14 |
-8 |
Winds |
-6 |
-60 |
-39 |
N/A |
Rocks |
-5 |
-44 |
-19 |
-15 |
Slopes |
-2 |
-50 |
-19 |
-10 |
- Survival rate is most sensitive to winds
- Rock and slope effects are secondary
Albert Haldemann
Radar Properties of the Landing Sites
- 12.6 cm (Arecibo) and 3.5 cm (Goldstone)
- If data not available over the ellipse, then data was used from the corresponding geomorphic unit as a proxy
- Specular echo: Required for radar altimeter system (RAS) to function properly
o All of the sites would provide sufficient echo for the RAS to detect the surface
- Diffuse echo: Relates to roughness at scales of interest to rover trafficability.
o Rougher sites: Gusev, Melas, Eos (similar to VL1, MPF in this measure)
o Smoother sites: Hematite, Isidis, Athabasca
- Athabasca depolarization ratio ~1
o Implies dominance of multiple scattering
o Four hypotheses
¤ Chaotic texture
¤ Blocky texture § preferred model, based on corroborating analyses
¤ Enhanced dielectric constant
¤ Volume scattering
Matt Golombek
MOLA Slopes at 1.2 km Scales and Roughness at 150 m Scales for the Ellipses
- 1.0 km scale from MOLA inter-shot
- 100 m scale from MOLA pulse-width
Site |
B1.2 |
A1.2 |
B1.2 sd |
A1.2 sd |
Av PW |
sd PW |
TM10A2 |
0.15 |
0.21 |
0.18 |
0.45 |
0.75 |
0.24 |
TM20B2 |
0.16 |
0.22 |
0.20 |
0.47 |
0.75 |
0.24 |
VM53A2 |
1.22 |
1.13 |
1.35 |
0.65 |
1.18 |
0.73 |
VM53B2 |
1.29 |
1.15 |
1.49 |
0.68 |
1.24 |
0.75 |
IP84A2 |
0.19 |
0.14 |
0.24 |
0.10 |
1.10 |
0.35 |
IP96B2 |
0.18 |
0.14 |
0.24 |
0.10 |
1.08 |
0.33 |
EP55A2 |
0.20 |
0.16 |
0.44 |
0.20 |
1.42 |
0.44 |
VM41A2 |
1.22 |
0.94 |
1.87 |
0.98 |
1.06 |
1.14 |
EP49B2 |
0.20 |
0.18 |
0.35 |
0.23 |
1.18 |
0.35 |
VL1 |
0.27 |
0.32 |
1.02 |
1.01 |
VL2 |
0.28 |
0.27 |
0.28 |
0.19 |
0.30 |
0.25 |
1.07 |
0.68 |
B = bidirectional; A = adirectional
- All Sites Meet 1.2 km Slope Criterion <2¡
o Hematite, Isidis, Gusev, Athabasca Very Smooth
¤ Average ~0.2¡: Comparable to VL1, VL2 & MPF
o Melas & Eos Higher, Average >1¡
- All Sites Meet 100 m Slope Criterion <5¡
o Hematite, Isidis, Melas, Athabasca, Eos PW
¤ Average <1.2 m
o Gusev Slightly Higher, Average ~1.4 m
- To Come: Sites Rough at 100 m are Rough at 10 m
o Rough-to-Smooth:
¤ Melas, Eos, Gusev, Isidis, Athabasca, Hematite
Albert Haldemann
MOLA 100 m Allan Variation and Hectometer Hurst Exponent AnalysisÉ
- Assume topography on Mars is self-affine
- Use MOLA profiles to calculate the Hurst exponent for baselines ranging from 300 to 1200 m and extrapolate to smaller scales (100 m)
Site |
H |
ζ(100 m) |
SRMS (100 m) |
ζ(1 m) |
SRMS (1 m) |
/m |
/deg |
/m |
/deg |
Hematite |
0.53 |
3.4 |
1.9 |
0.30 |
16.7 |
Melas |
0.81 |
9.9 |
5.7 |
0.24 |
13.5 |
Gusev |
0.56 |
5.8 |
3.3 |
0.44 |
23.8 |
Isidis |
0.51 |
2.6 |
1.5 |
0.25 |
14.0 |
Athabasca |
0.76 |
4.3 |
2.5 |
0.13 |
7.4 |
Eos |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
MPF +/- 0.2¼ |
0.37 |
5.0 |
2.9 |
0.92 |
42.6 |
MPF 0.5¼ radius |
0.77 |
5.0 |
2.9 |
0.15 |
8.5 |
VL1 +/- 0.2¼ |
0.53 |
1.8 |
1.0 |
0.15 |
8.5 |
Mike Shepard
The Roughness of the Martian Surface at Decimeter ScalesÉ
- Characterize known landing sites at all possible spatial scales
- Calibrate other remote sensing techniques for estimating surface roughness
- Data Sources:
o Pathfinder
¤ Rover Wheel Slopes
¤ MOLA Point-to-Point (PtP) Slopes
o Viking Lander 1
¤ New Stereo DEM
¤ MOLA PtP Slopes
o Viking Lander 2
¤ Some New Stereo DEM
¤ MOLA PtP Slopes
- Analyses:
o Pathfinder
¤ Hurst exponent 0.54 - 0.61
¤ RMS slope @100m 1.7¡± 0.9¡
@ 10m 2.5¡± 1.0¡
@ 1m 5.4¡± 1.0¡
o Viking Lander 1
¤ 83 new profiles from stereo
¤ Hurst exponent 0.5 - 0.8
¤ RMS slopes @100m 1.2¡± 0.3¡
@ 10m 3.0¡± 1.0¡
@ 1m 4.8¡± 1.0¡
o Viking Lander 2
¤ Only 1 usable new profile so far (6m long)
¤ Hurst exponent ~0.8
¤ RMS slopes @100m 1.4¡ ± 0.4¡
@ 10m 3.8¡ ± 2.0¡
@ 1m 8.8¡ ± 3.0¡
- All sites have comparable roughness at 10m-50m scales.
F. Scott Anderson
Characterization of MER Landing Sites Using MOC and MOLA
- Extract MOLA topography, slope, and PW for each MOC image in landing ellipse
- Read MOC image and determine sclk start/stop of image, and orbit number
- Search specific MOLA orbit for matching sclk times
Relief (m) |
Mean Slope (degrees) |
Mean PW (ns) |
Hematite |
29.5 |
1.7 |
14.7 |
Melas |
268.5 |
8.0 |
43.2 |
Athabasca |
71.0 |
2.7 |
20.4 |
Gusev |
70.0 |
6.3 |
49.6 |
Isidis |
43.1 |
1.3 |
20.5 |
Randy Kirk
DTMs Derived from MOC Stereo Images
- Photoclinometry and stereoanalysis applied to landing ellipse MOC images
- Slope analysis based on DEMs produced
Site |
Set |
Sub Area |
DEM from |
Baseline (m) |
RMS Bidir Slope (¡) |
RMS Adir Slope (¡) |
99% Adir Slope (¡) |
Correction to 5 m Base |
99% Adir Slope@ 5 m |
P(Adir³15¡) @ 5 m (%) |
Athabasca |
1 |
a |
PC |
5.87 |
1.26 |
1.72 |
5.02 |
1.020 |
5.12 |
0.001 |
b |
PC |
5.87 |
0.94 |
1.48 |
3.77 |
1.057 |
3.97 |
0.001 |
c |
PC |
5.87 |
1.25 |
1.86 |
4.85 |
1.019 |
4.99 |
0.001 |
Athabasca |
2 |
n |
ST |
10 |
3.39 |
4.72 |
15.67 |
1.125 |
17.64 |
0.019 |
Athabasca |
3 |
a |
ST |
20 |
2.48 |
3.45 |
10.20 |
1.409 |
11.64 |
0.004 |
c |
PC |
5.87 |
3.99 |
5.35 |
13.79 |
1.007 |
13.88 |
0.006 |
d |
PC |
5.87 |
2.66 |
3.48 |
8.50 |
1.010 |
8.58 |
0.001 |
Eos |
1 |
nc |
ST |
10 |
6.27 |
9.22 |
34.39 |
1.092 |
37.56 |
0.072 |
nd |
PC |
3 |
5.82 |
7.07 |
23.50 |
0.927 |
22.95 |
0.029 |
Eos |
2 |
a |
ST |
10 |
6.05 |
7.97 |
25.26 |
1.189 |
30.03 |
0.087 |
c |
PC |
2.87 |
8.10 |
9.61 |
28.20 |
1.005 |
28.33 |
0.082 |
d |
PC |
2.87 |
10.58 |
13.82 |
35.40 |
1.005 |
35.57 |
0.239 |
Gusev |
1 |
a |
ST |
10 |
2.80 |
4.93 |
16.29 |
1.076 |
17.53 |
0.015 |
c |
ST |
10 |
5.63 |
8.20 |
24.95 |
1.066 |
26.61 |
0.078 |
d |
PC |
3 |
4.20 |
5.23 |
15.31 |
0.982 |
15.03 |
0.010 |
e |
PC |
3 |
9.35 |
11.67 |
22.30 |
0.990 |
31.97 |
0.163 |
Gusev |
2 |
a |
ST |
10 |
8.32 |
11.37 |
37.58 |
1.048 |
37.38 |
0.157 |
b |
ST |
10 |
12.75 |
16.52 |
48.17 |
1.049 |
50.52 |
0.340 |
c |
PC |
3 |
9.00 |
11.65 |
30.80 |
0.989 |
30.45 |
0.166 |
d |
PC |
3 |
12.23 |
15.92 |
42.99 |
0.985 |
52.36 |
0.299 |
Hematite |
2 |
a |
PC |
2.9 |
4.89 |
9.45 |
24.38 |
0.791 |
19.29 |
0.037 |
b |
PC |
2.9 |
1.25 |
1.82 |
4.94 |
0.946 |
4.68 |
0.001 |
c |
PC |
2.9 |
2.21 |
3.38 |
9.46 |
0.933 |
8.83 |
0.001 |
Isidis |
1 |
nb |
ST |
10 |
4.66 |
6.39 |
25.60 |
1.202 |
30.78 |
0.037 |
nc |
PC |
3 |
5.70 |
7.45 |
22.32 |
0.983 |
21.93 |
0.027 |
sa |
ST |
10 |
4.12 |
5.80 |
20.08 |
1.058 |
21.24 |
0.027 |
sb |
PC |
3 |
8.49 |
10.78 |
31.18 |
0.987 |
30.78 |
0.121 |
Melas |
1 |
a |
ST |
10 |
2.72 |
4.86 |
14.34 |
1.000 |
14.34 |
0.008 |
b |
ST |
10 |
1.56 |
2.66 |
7.74 |
1.000 |
7.74 |
0.001 |
c |
ST |
10 |
2.43 |
4.11 |
12.61 |
1.000 |
12.61 |
0.004 |
e |
PC |
3 |
13.19 |
15.85 |
41.37 |
0.923 |
38.17 |
0.289 |
Melas |
2 |
a |
ST |
10 |
9.96 |
12.89 |
43.42 |
1.187 |
51.52 |
0.233 |
Melas |
3 |
a |
ST |
10 |
11.37 |
14.37 |
53.80 |
1.273 |
68.49 |
0.274 |
- for complete analysis and results
Anton Ivanov
DTMs from MOC Stereo Images
- Analysis similar to R. Kirk
- Results consistent with other photoclinometric efforts
Ross Beyer
Evaluation of Small-Scale Roughness via Photoclinometry
- Pixel-by-pixel photoclinometric analysis
- Results in a down-sun slope magnitude map, not a DEM
- Assumptions:
o No overall tilt to the terrain
o Image shading is due to slopes, not albedo variations
- Lunar-Lambert photometric function
- Estimated errors on the order of 1 degree
- Two processing modes:
o No haze removal: underestimates slope magnitude
o 1st order haze removal: overestimates slope magnitude
- Results:
o Eos: Rough but acceptable
o Gusev: Rough but acceptable
o Hematite: Albedo contributing to slope calculations; slopes are likely much lower than those reported
o Isidis: Low roughness (suffers from under sampling)
o Athabasca: Low roughness
- for summary plots
March 28th,
Thursday a.m.
Safety Considerations
I: Radar and Slopes (contÕd)
8:30 a.m. Characterization of MER landing sites using MOC and MOLA.
F. Scott Anderson and Tim Parker, JPL
9:00 a.m. DTMÕs Derived from MOC Stereo Images
Randy Kirk, USGS
9:30 a.m. DTMs from MOC Stereo Images
A. Ivanov, JPL
10:00 a.m. Evaluation of Small-Scale Roughness via Photoclinometry
Ross Beyer and Alfred McEwen, University of Arizona
10:30-10:45 a.m. Coffee
10:45 a.m. Surface Lifetime
Matijevic, JPL
11:15 a.m. TES Thermal Inertia and Albedo Data and Implications for Minimum Near-Surface Temperatures, Nathan Bridges and Terry Martin, JPL
11:45 a.m. Rock Abundance derived from TES data
Scott Nowicki and Phil Christensen, ASU
12:15 p.m. Rock Statistics Calculations for the Landing Sites
Matt Golombek
12:45-1:30 p.m. Lunch
Randy Kirk. DTMÕs Derived from MOC Stereo Images. A set of 12 MOC stereo and photoclinometric images have been analyzed for each of the six primary and backup landing sites. The details of the methodologies and uncertainties were presented for these methods and for the MOC images. The MOC dataset has limits that were discussed. The stereo and photoclinometric data for Gusev and highly consistent; Melas currently lacks stereo; the photoclinometry in Isidis, Hematite, and Eos are effected by albedo or sampling; and Athabasca is ÒcomplicatedÓ, Based on a criteria of have only a 1-2% chance of a slope >15¡ at MOC pixel scales. In ranked order from best to worst the sites are; Hematite, Athabasca, Isidis, Eos, Gusev (smooth terrain is better), and Melas. Only Hematite and Athabasca fall with a formal Òsafe zoneÓ.
Anton Ivanov. Analysis of MOC Stereo DTM;s. Four MOC stereo pairs were analyzed for each of Gusev, Eos, Hematite, and Melas. The method does automatic tie pointing for approximate one million points in the image pairs. The primary errors are spacecraft pointing, which can be improved, and jitter which cannot. The results show that at 10 m scale the four sites rank from best to worst are Hematite/Gusev/Melas/Eos. The mean slope varied from 4.1 (Hematite) to 9.2 (Melas).
Ross Beyer and Alfred McEwen. Evaluation of Small-scale Roughness via Photoclinometry. A 1-D photoclinometry model was applied to approximately 100 MOC images. The method assumed a Lunar-Lambert photometric function. The uncertainly is estimated to be ~1¡. The results are sensitive to albedo and atmospheric haze; albedo variations produce overestimates in slopes; haze produces an underestimate in slope. For comparison the Viking and Pathfinder sites were found to have 3-4¡ slopes at 6m/pixel scale. Melas could not be analyzed due to albedo variations. Gusev has acceptable slopes; hematite is acceptable, with the slopes likely lower due to the effect of albedo; Isidis has low roughness; Eos and Gusev are rough but acceptable. Athabasca is very smooth at > 6 m length scales, with no evidence for an increase in roughness at 1.5-m scales. These results are not consistent with the radar roughness results and need to be explored further.
Jake Matijevic. Surface Lifetime. The talk presented an overview of mission lifetime issues. Based on realistic mission scenarios the sites were estimated to lifetimes of: Hematite 100-112 days; Gusev 92 (MER A only); Melas 84-100; and Isidis 124-136. A major question has arisen regarding the nighttime temperature of the sites, with hematite being the problematic. Thermal inertia and albedo were used in a 1-D GCM model to provide a 3-sigma estimate of potential surface temperatures. The nighttime temperatures are modeled to be 7 ¡C cooler at the end of the mission, with a potential reduction in mission life to 82-90 sols. Other constraints: energy 10-20% more planning energy for A than B; 25-15% less efficient data return for B than A. Examples of mission scenarios give a total 4.7 Gb data return for MER A at Gusev and 4.4 Gb for MER B at Isidis. Trafficability was estimated to be Hematite and Gusev Ð easy; Melas Ð variable; Isidis Ð 60% increase in travel time; Eos 4x increase in travel time; and Athabasca Ð 40% increase.
Nathan Bridges and Terry Martin. TES Thermal Inertia and Albedo Data and Implications for Minimum Near-Surface Temperature.
TES data were used to estimate surface and near-surface atmospheric temperatures. The hematite site was found to have regions in which the nighttime temperature is at or below the lander survivability limit.
Scott Nowicki and Phil Christensen. Rock Abundance Derived From TES Data. The rock abundance model methodology and uncertainties were briefly described. A rock abundance map has been produced at 8 pixels/degree for the region from 15S to 15 N. The rock abundance results for the six landing sites are: Melas (ave; 15-20%; maximum 25-30%); Isidis (20-25%; 25-30%); Eos (10-15%; 25-30%); Gusev (5-10%; 10-15%); Athabasca (5-10%; 10-15%); and Hematite (5-10%; 10-15%).
Matt Golombek. Rock Statistics Calculations for the Landing Sites. The methodology and uncertainties for determining the rock size distribution from the total areal abundance derived from IRTM and TES was presented. The IRTM model gives close (within 20%) values for the three past landing sites. An exponential rock size distribution works well to fit terrestrial surfaces. Based on this model the following conclusions can be stated. First, if rocks are not visible in MOC images, then the surface likely has less than 20% abundance. Second, the probability of impacting a 1-m diameter rock can be estimated versus the number of bounces. Assuming four bounces the probability of hitting a rock is 2.4% for Hematite, 18% for Melas, 6% for Gusev, 30% for Isidis, 18% for Athabasca, and 60% for Eos. Airbag test have shown the 40% coverage by 1-m diameter rocks.
March 28th, Thursday p.m.
Summary of Safety Considerations
1:30 p.m. MER
Project Hazard Analysis
Adler, JPL
p.m. Discussion of
Safety Issues
2:45 p.m. Athena Payload Capabilities and the MER Landing Sites
Steve Squyres, Athena PI, Cornell U.
of Session on Safety Considerations by M.H. Carr.
Safety issues were summarized by Mark Adler (JPL). Winds are now more of a concern then previously. There is no perfect site, all have some problems. Of the four prime sites, Hematite is the safest for landing, Melas is the least safe, for landing (combination of slopes and horizontal winds). Gusev is fine except for wind shear. We have no information on winds at Isidis. Eos is likely to be unacceptable because of the combination of rocks and high winds. Egress of the rover from the lander is unlikely to be a problem at any site. With respect to the surface mission, low temperatures may cause a lifetime problem at Hematite. Trafficability is a concern at Eos and Athabasca, and may be a concern at Melas and Isidis. Much more work needs to be done to resolve the safety issues. The project has limited resources and must focus them on a few sites. Considering the safety issues, Adler recommended retaining Hematite, Gusev and Isidis as prime sites, dropping Melas and Eos from further consideration, and retaining Athabasca as a back-up. The ellipse in Athabasca would be moved to avoid the platey lava that may be causing the anomalous radar returns. Because of remaining concerns about winds at Gusev and Isidis, Adler also recommended relaxing the elevation constraints, and possibly latitude and hematite exclusion zone constraints to look for additional sites with hematite-like levels of safety. The new sites should be chosen on the basis of characteristics that would minimize winds, as defined by atmospheric scientists. All these recommendations should be implemented soon and transmitted to the THEMIS and MOC teams so that acquisition of data on the sites can start ASAP.
Discussion of Landing Sites
p.m. Summary Discussion
of All Sites
The final discussion
portion of the workshop focused on establishing community consensus of the releative
merits of the Sites (primary and back-up) with respect to mission science,
safety, and public engagement objectives. Sites were treated discussed
individually beginning with the Hematite site, then moving on toi consider
Melas, Eos, Athatbasca, Gusev, and Isidis. Based on the outcome of these
discussions, the attached summary chart was produced indicating a good (green),
mediocre (yellow), or poor (red) rating for the various criteria. This summary
chart then became the basis for additional recommendations regarding the sites
that included dropping both Eos and Melas Chasma from further consideration and
retaining the Athabasca site (after optimizing the position of the landing
ellipse) as a back-up site. Based on additional concerns related to the sites
and new concerns introduced by the results of wind modeling, the high
importance of identifying multiple ÒsafeÓ landing sites (e.g., towards the
center of Isidis Basin) was also agreed upon.
4:30-5:30 p.m. Community Input to Project and Athena Science Team
5:30 p.m. End of Workshop