Mars Exploration Rover Landing Site Memorandum

September 6, 2001

To: MER Project and Landing Site Steering Committee

From: M. Golombek and J. Grant, Chairs Landing Site Steering Committee

Re: MER Landing Sites Ellipse Sizes

The latest ellipse sizes and azimuths for the top 6 sites are:

Site Ellipse
length x width
(km)   (°)
Isidis 118 x 15 88
Hematite 112 x 16 83
Gale 104 x 17 81
Melas 100 x 17 80
Eos 94 x 18 77
Gusev 94 x 18 76
Hematite 108 x 17 87
Melas 97 x 18 83
And note that for MER-B, a site at 10 N latitude is:
10N 137 x 15 95

For all of the sites except Gusev and Eos, all of these ellipses are smaller than the previous ellipse sizes that were based on 5 TCMs without DeltaDOR. Science spokespersons should include new ellipses in their presentations at the upcoming workshop. For nadir sites not included above, attached below is a graph of ellipse length and azimuth versus latitude that can be used to estimate ellipse size and orientation. All of the top six sites remain viable, although the edges of the Gale ellipse cannot avoid steep slopes.

In addition, we notified you of 9 potential new sites that appeared viable with ellipses smaller than those above in an e-mail dated 8/24/01. All but three of these sites (Crommelin crater, Magaritifer Valles/Basin, and SE Melas Chasma) remain viable with the slightly larger ellipses reported herein. We will add discussion of the remaining 6 sites (Isidis, 2 Elysium, Ares Vallis, Sinus Meridiani, and Highlands) to the workshop agenda.

Graph of ellipse length and azimuth versus latitude for MER A and B.

Landing Ellipse Sizes Chart