NAS logo Marsoweb Archive of MGS MOLA Data Maps Ames logo

MOLA Elevation Maps

This interactive repository of MOLA (Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter) data allows for online perusal of numerical values of MOLA-derived elevations while exploring the data maps, as well as user-creation of cross-section profiles. The data and maps have been made available by the MOLA Science Team.

Data and Map Specifications

The MOLA data used in this archive are the MOLA Experiment Gridded Data Record (EGDR) products, available from the MOLA Data Product Archives. These topography grids are produced by binning altimetry values from the MOLA PEDR products (raw altimetry profiles with precision orbit information added). The grids are available here in both low-resolution version (1/4°) and high-resolution (1/32°) versions. Higher-resolution grids will be implemented after they have been produced and released by the MOLA Science Team.

The color-coded MOLA maps used in conjunction with the MOLA gridded data are cylindrical-projection maps (low-resolution version) and Mercator-projection maps (high-resolution version) from the MOLA Science Team.

Technical information on the production of MOLA shaded relief maps can be obtained from:

Neumann, G.A., D.D. Rowlands, F.G. Lemoine, D.E. Smith and M.T. Zuber, The crossover analysis of MOLA altimetric data, J. Geophys. Res., 2000.

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