NASAball.gif Global Mars Data Maps

Maps and Data Description: TES   MOLA   Geology


Full-Scale Global Data Maps
These maps are used in Marsoweb's interactive data map applet. For the purposes of this archive, the thermal inertia and geology maps have been composited with grayscale MOLA shaded relief maps to aid in orientation.
TES Thermal Inertia
(Composited with MOLA data)

[M. Mellon et al.]

TES_with_MOLA.jpg 4320 x 2160 4.8 Mbytes
TES Thermal Inertia
(Original, with coord. grid and legend)

[M. Mellon et al.]

TES_nmap2003_original.jpg 3700 x 2600 2.3 Mbytes
(cylindrical projection)

[MOLA science team]

MOLA_cylin.jpg 5760 x 2880 3.5 Mbytes
(high-resolution, Mercator projection)

[MOLA science team]

MOLA_mercat.jpg 12032 x 6912 18 Mbytes
(Composited with MOLA data)

[NASA Lab for Terrestrial Physics,
Geodynamics Branch

geology.jpg 2880x1440 1.1 Mbytes
Note: To download these large image files, you may need to use your browser's "Save Link to Disk" function on the image links.